Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas Ornaments

DIY Holiday Decoration- How to do a pinecone decorationDIY Holiday Decor- How to do a snowman ornament Well it's already December and most likely you already have your Christmas tree up, so why not create some ornaments for it? For this project you will need a pinecone, foam paper, spray snow, black construction paper, green ribbon, red and white braided ribbon, twine, eyes, toothpick, and two different sizes of styrofoam balls. To create the pinecone ornament you will need to tie the twine to the stem of the pinecone. Then just spray snow all over the pinecone. For the snowman ornament you will also have to spray snow all over the styrofoam balls. When it is dry you will stick the toothpick in the middle of both styrofoam. Cut out buttons with the construction paper and with the foam paper you will cut out a triangle for the nose. Glue on all the features of the snowman and glue on a green ribbon on the back to hang. To create the santa hat for the snowman you will just need to create a cone with red foam paper. With a white braided ribbon you will glue it to the bottom of the cone and use a smaller piece to add to the top of the hat. Personally, I liked the snowman without the hat, so you don't have to make the hat if you don't like. All you will need to put is a red ribbon for the scarf. Now that your all set you can put them up on your tree.

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