Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Photography Tips

In my college years I began to take up photography because it was something I loved. I learned a lot on how to use my DSLR camera and a regular point and shoot and the many cool things you can do with them. So, I will be sharing my knowledge.
Number one -> Most cameras usually have 5 different modes which are: Manual, Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority, Auto, and Night/Portrait/Landscape. I will explain what each one means.
Manual- You set up the aperture, iso, and shutter speed range.
Aperture- This setting is plays with the focus of the object. Meaning you can have everything in focus or you can have a specific object in focus and have the rest of the background blurry.
Shutter Speed- My favorite of all of them. This setting focuses on how fast or slow the shutter will close. The different ranges can cause motion blur, panning, and stop action.
Auto- What the camera thinks the setting should be.
Night/Portrait/Landscape- This setting is for a specific photography.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Central Park

Central Park, NYC
Photography of Central Park, NYC

If you ever go to New York I recommend to walk around Central Park. It is a beautiful park to go in the Fall because you can see the colors of the leaves changing. Central Park is actually really big to walk the whole park in one day, but there is always something new, if it is just a performance or the change of season. This picture was actually taken last year when I went on vacation for Thanksgiving.